Friday 28 December 2018

Quitting facebook and withdrawals

I quit facebook the other week. For a number of reasons, firstly out of protest due to how facebook nonchalantly shares and disregards our privacy. Secondly because I was probably spending too much time on there that I could be spending properley elsewhere. Thirdly because most of the content is low quality and basically spam, which didn't offer the in depth discussions I actually used the site for.

Unfortunately I have been having some withdrawals. I've been using social media daily since ~2007ish onwards. It's a big thing to leave behind, considering it's made up such a large portion of my life. I find myself opening Firefox only to close it again since I deleted my account.
It has been strange, and I feel slightly lonely. Maybe this is normal human existence; my brain has been hopped up hypersocially for such a long time that getting back to regularity feels boring.

I am staying active mentally and physically and everything, but I will sometimes pause a video and feel the need to check facebook etc, when in reality it will add nothing of value to my existence.

Maybe I'll feel differently in a few weeks or months.

Edit: Fuck it. I am so glad I quit facebook

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