Thursday 5 November 2015

Letter to Greg Behrendt and Dave Anthony

Not a tea blog entry, but since I have no other platform, I shall post this here:

I want to talk about the podcast Walking the Room, and what it means to me. Being late to the game and first listening this year, I had a lot to catch up on. I’ll start with a quick anecdote: My friend at uni got me into WTR in 2015, and I was listening to it at a furious rate, burning through episode after episode. I work in a lab, so I turn it on in my headphones and listen. I was listening to the start of an episode and was singing along to the old WTR song loudly. My supervisor comes into the room and says: ‘Do you listen to Walking the Room?’.
I should just start off by saying that I have listened to a LOT of podcasts, and this isn’t your average Cuddle; it explores human nature through the vulnerability of a friendship, and brings us along for the rollercoaster.

What’s most remarkable about WTR is its sincerity. Humans repeat stories, they contradict themselves, they are hypocritical, and these are all shown throughout the tenure of WTR. It really is a special journey one gets to take with two very close human beings. I am flattered you invited us into the closet to hear about your lives and relationships. To explore a friendship so intimately is such a rare thing, and to see it in sliver-like cross-sections over a long period of time is such a treat.  I’ve beared witness to how you and your friend lean on, support, poke fun at, and humour each other throughout the highs and lows of life. Being funny in the face of adversity doesn’t have to be done alone, and owning your bullshit can be cathartic and therapeutic for both listener and speaker.

You guys are inherently creative people and the love the creative process. It is such a fun thing listening to you guys develop ideas, which turn into running jokes over time, watching them evolve into something crazier and more preposterous. Sometimes I just sit there in amazement and wonder what went through your minds for the idea to end up where it did. Even though WTR has been about fans, it’s never been about the fans; it’s always been about the real, visceral friendship between you two.

Often the most touching moments are when it’s just you two talking, whether it’s worrying about your kids, future, or talking about social issues. You two are deeply caring people (as much as Dave wouldn’t like to admit it), and you guys create small moments that I’m glad I was there to hear.

The greatest thing about Walking the Room is that it’s not a “success story”, it’s just real life. Life is hard, and it doesn’t end like a movie. WTR personifies this, and doesn’t coddle us with bullshit, or wrap things up in an oversimplified way. You guys delve into the complex and the unpleasant, and often leave it on a sombre note. So I want to thank you for that.
I want to thank you for the company, for the content, for being yourselves and allowing me the privilege of listening.

The nasty, dark, twisted, vulnerable, sweet, real and so-very-human swan-song to friendship, that’s Walking the Room.

*cue opening theme music*


  1. It's Greg, Wow... yeah man, wow. You just made my day.

    1. Considering you guys have been making my day for almost a year now, let's just call it even
