Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Pukka's three mint

Instead of those potato gems, I thought I'd wash my palate clean from that cinnamon party-in-my-mouth with another tea I am not looking forward to: Pukka's three mint. I'll tell you why I'm not looking forward to this tea: mint is awesome. I have mint toothpaste, I chew Extra Gum every god damned day, and one time I tried growing a mint plant, and it was growing strong for a few months, a bushy mofo straight from the garden of Eden. You see, I was on a quest to make my own mint shampoo. Now after snipping buds, tending and watering this beautiful lush specimen, looking after it like it were my own reabsorbed twin, I come out one week to find it slightly dying. Confused, I check for bugs. Finding none, I water my potted mint plant, then head inside. A day later I come out to find it completely dead, withered and dry. I told my houselord, and he responded: 'Oh, I thought that was a weed, I sprayed the whole backyard five days ago!'. Yes he sprayed inside my pot, full of amazing mint, but despite that, I still love mint. Every company thinks they can make a decent mint tea; mint should not disappoint, ever! Yet every mint flavoured tea is weak, and just leaves me with a sad anticlimactic feeling. 


Here it is, liquid disappointment. It's hard to imagine such
a small cup, containing a small amount of liquid can elicit
so many great emotions from one bear-sized man. RAWR

Initial observations:
Well since I'm in a bad mood as of this subheading due to environmental factors, I'm just going to jump straight into drinking this crap and getting it over with.

First thoughts on the first sips:
Once again, barely minty, barely worth it. This cup is just making me feel more disappointed with my pretty great life. It's actually driving me down to it's level. Brb gonna lie down in the street, hopefully the sadness will leave my mouth then.

Many sips later:
If you work for Lego or K'nex, your designs had better be up to scratch, original, creative and fun to play with. I feel like if you are in charge of creating a tea for a company, you hold a similar, great responsibility. Your tea must be good, if not you will disappoint millions of tea fans, and scare away future tea enthusiasts. This is a great charge, but let me tell you, 'creator' of Pukka's three mint, I hate you. You have ruined my day with your weak, subpar blend of 'three mints'. How can you mess up three mints? It should be thrice better than normal mint. What else have you ruined 'three mint' creator? I bet you disappoint your partner and kids, god forbid you actually procreated or found a partner. I hope you aren't around when Soylent Industries brings out it's signature product, because I just know you would screw it up and put in actual soy. Even if you fell into the Soylent Green vat you would still be ruining it. 

Creator of Pukka's 'three mint', you just made the list.

No. Although I've just realised that I've been doing this tea thing wrong; if I don't like the tea I've been thinking I'm the one at fault, when really it's the tea architect's fault. I've been blaming myself for someone else's missteps. I was saying boo-urns.

Final words:
As a final act of irony, you made the list, thrice. 

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